To me, success is achieving your dreams. And those dreams can look different for each person.
For some it’s being the next President of the United States while for others it’s being a mom.
But being able to achieve the life that you dream is what success means for me (even if that dream changes along the way).
My dreams have changed a lot over the past few years. As I’ve grown and discovered more of who I am and who I want to be, what I want has changed. And to be honest I’m still working on figuring that out but I’m thankful for every experience and position that God has placed me in as I discover my purpose.
Shortly after graduation I successfully accepted a full time position as the Communication Associate at Chets Creek Church I get to spend my days with the sweetest people (a few of which call themselves my cubicle coaches) doing things I really enjoy including: planning and creating content for the social media pages, hosting services, working with the student ministry, and creating weekly videos!
What does success mean to you?