My prayer in this season has been something like this...
“I don’t know, but You do and I trust You.”
I don’t know what I’m doing this summer. I don’t know when I’ll see friends again. I don’t know how much money I will be making. I don’t know when I’ll be moving into an apartment or exactly where I’ll be moving to. I don’t know what my future career will look like because I don’t even know what I want to do with my life.
But, I do know that He has the plan. I do know that He has everything under control. I do know that He will enact each part of that plan in His perfect timing. I need only rest in His presence and enjoy the love, joy, peace, and strength He is given me.
He knows the plan and is doing all the work. My job in this season is to trust, rest, obey, and “be where my feet are”. Sunday is coming!